

1. 寫作各式體裁的介紹


How this book finally came together is a funny story.  Shortly before , on Saturday, June 30翻譯社 I was both online and on the phone ordering books for the Dreyer Academy Summer Enrichment Writing Class to be held in Hsinchu, Taiwan.   One particular writing book I wanted to use was not in stock and could not be delivered until after we left the States.  Pondering my options for what teaching material to use翻譯社 an epiphany came to me about : “Write a book yourself!” And how this book came to be bilingual翻譯社 and into your hands, is yet another great story. I was teaching with this book in Taiwan in its smaller, original form, when Dr. Posen Liao and his wife Liwen Tan approached me about creating an expanded book, with Chinese translation. I am grateful for Liao’s co-authorship and guidance. He brings a wealth of knowledge to this project, considering his years of teaching at National Taipei University. His involvement truly makes this book an international product, bringing you the minds of East and West翻譯社 those who learned English as a foreign language and those who speak it natively.




2. 易犯的中式英文


3. 精進寫作的步調

4. 英中對比,練習浏覽


作者: Scott Dreyer、廖柏森


This book springs from my twenty-plus years of writing翻譯社 editing, and teaching writing, in both Taiwan and the US. My students have ranged from third graders to Ph.D. candidates in nuclear engineering at National Tsing Hua University. Now, for your convenience, this experience is compiled into one place: this book. My chief goal is to demystify the writing process and help us all become better writers and communicators.

  • 美國教員教翻譯公司寫出好英文已登上博客來和誠品網路書店排行榜說話學習類第一位